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Why Is Critical Thinking Important?

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The term Critical thinking appears more and more in areas of life especially in the field of education. However, many people still do not really know what Critical thinking is? In this article, we will try to understand what Critical thinking is and Why Is Critical thinking Important?


What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking can be described as a form of thinking that captures the key to the problem, follows logical rules, constantly questions and reflects, and has a clear way of thinking. Critical thinking can also be used as a course or subject, derived from non-formal logic, the purpose of which is to cultivate people’s ability of critical thinking. The concept of critical thinking is ambiguous and is often misunderstood and misused, but it is as instrumental and human as logic.


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Why Is Critical thinking Important?


Critical thinking ability is an art that uses rational analysis to think and dig deep into the real potential of the inner world. The point is not to think more or deeper, but to be better. Honing critical thinking ability can cultivate your own strong desire for knowledge, and this desire will run throughout your life, so that you can benefit endlessly. However, the training of critical thinking skills is not easy, and the cultivation of such abilities requires a lot of training, as well as their own stable growth and lasting motivation. In addition, there must be the ability to be honest with the harsh reality.


Critical Thinking Definition

Critical thinking is the skill of analyzing, evaluating and questioning assumptions, arguments to give their views on an issue. What is critical thinking in the most understandable way? It is the way we take our views on an issue and demonstrate it to protect our reasoning views in the most logical, clearest way.


Why Is Critical Thinking Important?


We’ve just found out what Critical thinking is next let’s explore the meaning of Critical thinking in life.

Critical thinking is one of the important skills in the areas of life, in all professions. This skill helps people improve their reasoning ability in a coherent, clear way and stand on many angles to give objective perspectives and assessments. Critical thinking is most applied in the fields of education and training, legal, research and management.


The Importance of Critical Thinking


Especially in today’s reality, Critical thinking has important implications for the development of society. In the modern industrialization era, it requires people to have creative flexibility and the ability to analyze and process information effectively to solve all problems. At the same time, it is possible to apply and operate advanced technologies.

In business

In business, critical thinking contributes to creating new ideas to bring effective solutions to quickly handle problems and business situations. In addition, make timely adjustments in the operation strategy to ensure appropriate and accurate for each specific stage

For each of us, Critical thinking helps to assess our own strengths and weaknesses. From there, each person adjusts his/her work and life to the most reasonable.

Another aspect of critical thinking is to help people make the right comments on many social issues to benefit the community.


Levels of Critical Thinking


Do you know what the levels of Critical thinking are? Here are 6 levels of critical thinking:


Level 1 – Clearly present a specific content

Meetings are often long and take a lot of time because of non-clarity. This is an issue that agencies and organizations often face when the presentation of views occurs in a complicated way that many individuals can not understand the problem. The explanation and criticism keeps repeating and the meeting discussion deviates from the main issue.


Level 2 – Spoken structure

At this level, you will make opinions and arguments to protect your opinions. Therefore, in order to do this well, you must be prepared for logical expression so that the listener can easily grasp the bottom line.


Level 3 – Fundamental debate

What is critical thinking? Criticism is indispensable to debate, countered from many different ways of thinking. So at meetings, presentations or rhetoric, the basic arguments bring a contribution with great significance. Thanks to the debates you will draw on a lot of experience to make a persuasively sharp argument. At the same time, you will also have the opportunity to learn many good ideas and initiatives.


Level 4 – Effective debate

The fact that the debates are too intense will be very easy to become fierce wars. So in order for the debate to be constructive, you must be able to identify implicit assumptions made after counter-comments. At the same time, you must know there is flexibility in thinking to critical issues.


Level 5 – Regular practice

You need to remember that although criticism is not learnt by birth, it is necessary to practice regularly. Practising assessment of a particular issue or field will make your ability to comment more and more enhanced.


Level 6 – Effective thinking

When you reach this level, your thinking is extremely perfect and ensures that it meets fairness, objectiveness, integrity and humility.


How to improve critical thinking ability


Method 1 – Hone the technique of asking questions


1。 Dare to challenge assumptions. We have our own ideas and assumptions about everything. This is how our brains process information and how we live our lives. It can be said that such a model forms the key basis of our cognition. But what if these assumptions are wrong, or at least not entirely true? As a result, we have to completely rebuild our cognitive base.

How should assumptions be challenged? Einstein, for example, questioned the hypothesis that Newton’s laws of motion accurately describe the world. By re-describing what he believes has happened, a new framework for observing the world has been re-established.

We can challenge assumptions in a similar way. For example, why do you have to eat breakfast in the morning, even if you’re not hungry at all? Why assume you’re going to fail before you start trying?

What other ideas are taken for granted, but could collapse if further tested?

2。 Don’t accept so-called authoritative information easily unless you have investigated and confirmed it yourself. As with assumptions, getting information directly from authoritative sources can be simple and convenient. In our daily lives, we often judge whether information is trustworthy based on its source, rather than repeatedly confirming that everyone is right. While this can save time and effort in verifying the correctness of information, it may lead us to believe that the source of the information is reliable, so we can be deceived by trusting them as a whole without further understanding the truth of the matter. Some things, even if published in magazines or on television, are not necessarily true.

Develop your habit of intuitively challenging information and conducting investigations. If you don’t think an explanation convinces you, ask the other person to elaborate further. When you are faced with an established fact, even if you do not directly challenge it, you should review the relevant information or test it yourself. Soon you will develop a sensitivity to determine which information needs further investigation and which can be determined to be true.

3。 Learn to ask questions. It describes how to question assumptions and authoritative information, and the next step is to question everything around you. Asking questions is probably the essence of critical thinking. If you don’t know what to ask, or if you don’t ask a question at first, you may not be able to get close to the real answer. To find the answer, and to find the answer in an elegant way, is critical thinking.


Method 2 – Adjust your perspective


1。 Understand your possible biases. A person’s judgment may be subjective, unable to stand up to scrutiny, and sometimes malicious. A recent study showed that parents who were properly indoctrinated with vaccine safety messages were less likely to vaccinate their children. Why is this? The assumption is this: in order to avoid directly rejecting others and hurting the other person’s self-esteem, after all, self-esteem is important to everyone, those parents have to pretend that the vaccine is safe. Understanding your possible biases and how they can affect how you process information can help improve your analysis and judgment.

2。Think a few more steps in advance. Be proactive in everything you do, and you’ll be more likely to succeed. Imagine that you are a chess master who is playing with an opponent who is able to think dozens of steps and hundreds of arrangements in advance. In order to defeat the other side, you must fight with him. Also in daily life, try to imagine the different situations that may arise in the problems you face in order to be well prepared in advance.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive, knows the benefits of thinking a few steps ahead. In 2011, he told a magazine: “If everything you do needs to be effective in three years, there will be a lot of people competing with you.” But if you’re willing to spend seven years investing and focusing on one thing, there’s only a small percentage of the people competing with you, because few companies are willing to take that long to do one thing. When the Kindle first went on sale in 2007, it had been in development for more than three years, and e-readers were not yet available.


3。 Read more books. The power conveyed by a good book is unparalleled. Whether it’s Moby Dick or Philip Hammond. K. Dick’s books, great works can make people learn to distinguish (literary), enlightening (realistic) or expressing emotions (poetry). Reading is not the patent of bookworms. Tech magnate Elon Musk has said his knowledge of rocket science is gained through reading and asking questions.


4。 Think from the other side’s standpoint. Same-mindedness also helps foster critical thinking. Whether you want to improve your negotiating strategy or read books, thinking from the other side’s point of interest can help you better understand the other person’s motivations, expectations, and annoyances. Then, use this information to gain a corresponding psychological advantage, become more persuasive, or more understandable. Cultivating empathy can make people feel compassionate.

5。 Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to exercise your brain and improve its ability to function. Take 30 minutes off during a busy day to focus on your brain and make it run faster and smoother. There are many ways to exercise, and here are a few:

Solve a symbolic problem every day. Take the time to identify a more important problem and try to solve it. Whether it is a theoretical problem or a practical problem.

Keep exercising. For example, do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Just take a walk around the neighbourhood, so that the brain can get exercise, improve thinking ability.

Maintain a healthy diet and eat more brain-healthy foods. Foods such as blueberries, salmon, nuts and seeds, and brown rice all have significant effects on maintaining brain health.


Method 3 – Convergence


1。 Recognize all your options. Use critical thinking to solve practical problems. Only know that talking on paper is not true knowledge. This thinking skill allows you to identify all the options at hand and then weigh the pros and cons to make the most appropriate choice. When faced with a problem, we often mistake ourselves for a single option, but we don’t know that other options are at hand.

2。 Try to spend time with more people who are smarter than you. Otherwise, it may make you feel good about yourself, but such an environment will only limit your own development, so let’s get away from the illusion. If you really want to learn something, become a professional in a certain area, or exercise your critical thinking skills. Smart people will certainly get in touch with people who are smarter than themselves. In this way, some of their wisdom will penetrate you more or less, thus expanding your horizons.


3。 Don’t be afraid of failure until you succeed. Be fearless in the face of failure, and it’s just that life is another way to tell you what doesn’t work. Learn to learn from failure and turn the experience of failure into your own strength. There is a widely circulated saying that a successful man never fails. Failure is nothing more than numerous attempts and efforts before success, and finally achieve great success in order to change from obscurity to infinite light before people.




Don’t be too decisive about everything, but don’t be shy when it’s critical. Avoid saying it too absolutely, and use it only when you’re completely sure. In addition, be confident in what you say in order to be convinced by the people you listen to. You can use this phrase to motivate yourself: “Slow and steady in order to win the lottery.”

Be strategic. Criticism is not directed at people, but at suggestions made.

Ask for advice. People look at things differently and may end up changing your approach. Therefore, people of different ages or occupations should be consulted.

Practice more how to criticize to be familiar. Pay careful attention to whether others are questioning your criticism.

Improve your critical style by reading reviews in newspapers or books, understanding the mistakes and learning their advantages.

Distinguish between general reasoning and deductive reasoning, that is to say, to be clear about whether the process of discussion is from individual to general, or from general to individual.

Make hypothetical deductive reasoning. That is, to give you a specific scenario in which you apply the relevant rules and constraints, and then show the different changes you can imagine, and the reasonable consequences that may arise.

Make full use of library and Internet resources to find information about the topics reviewed. Sometimes, an ignorant critique is worse than a weakly executed action.

Commenting on things in your area of expertise may be more justified and advice more valuable. Painters, for example, are more likely than others to comment on the art of a painting, and writers can more appropriately analyze the work of another writer.

People’s critical thinking ability has high and low strength, but it can also be improved through training. Critical thinking courses are often equipped with a large number of logical exercises to train people’s thinking skills.


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