Goals or Targets have been exposed to more or less every person in the corporate world. This is particularly dealt with at the beginning of the year when multiple techniques are used in the setting of targets. But it has been observed that mostly the objectives are not fulfilled? At this point, we take a look at the 4 guidelines for setting goals that bring out everything important in setting effective goals.
4 Guidelines For Setting Goals
1. Should be Positively worded
The positive perception of something motivates our senses more than a negative imagination. It’s easier and more enjoyable to move towards something you want than from what you don’t want. Moreover, our brains are not capable of directly processing the negative. Our brains will hear the denial through a positive translation. So, when you say to yourself, “I don’t want to be sick”, alas, you only have the word “sick” in your own brain. Instead, the reasoning should be worded positively: “I want to be healthy”. Thus, the objective should always be formulated positively and by describing clearly the situation we want to achieve.
One of the most widespread and best-known models is SMART model:
S – Specific (precise and detailed). Answer the questions: Who? Why? When? How?
M – Measurable (measurable). How do we know the change has taken place?
A – Attainable (achievable). Is it possible to achieve this within a given period, with predetermined means, to reach the challenges of the upcoming obstacles?
R – Realistic (real and worth the achievement). Why and how is it important to achieve it? Will this come together with a large vision of the company?
T – Timebound (scheduled and tangible). By what time will the goal be achieved met?
As you find answers to all the above questions, you have already greatly increased the likelihood of achieving your goal.
3. Under your control
There is a story of a man who once travelled around the world. One day, he walked down the road and arrived at a place where progress was prevented by a large boulder. The man sat down and waited for the stone to roll from the road. The man kept sitting, looking at the stone and could not understand why it still did not move…
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you sit and wait for the rocks to move? The objectives, which mainly rely on the activities of other people, are often not achieved, and this is a situation where it is expected that the rocks will roll. The well-crafted goal will work through the changes that we ourselves can initiate, implement and manage. Fortunately or unfortunately, we can only control our own thoughts and actions, and we have no control over other people, especially on their thoughts and emotions.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to ask yourself whether the goal I want to achieve is in my control, or does it include some other people? And if the goal includes other people, is it in my power to influence these people indirectly by changing their behaviour to achieve the goal?
4. Ecological
Ecology is a science of relationships between the humans and its environment. In the context of the objective, the ecological suitability determination is a larger picture. This larger picture includes family, friends, school, employment relationships, society, etc. It is important to consider whether the purpose you have formulated will coincide with the rest of your goals and whether it fits into your life.
It is natural that a decision taken in one’s area of life affects many others. While the achievement of the GOAL may concern only a specific area of your life or business, it does affect all other areas too. For example, if your goal is to expand the company’s business to foreign markets, you have to consider not only the new exciting challenge and the potential business, but the time taken for external missions, time remaining for the family, a new focus on distribution, etc.
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It is also important to think about the extent to which it is consistent with your personality, values, etc. If a person is extremely introvert in nature, the idea of becoming a public-facing personality may seem like an exciting challenge, but the choice is unlikely to be sustainable. The most valuable and rewarding results are those where the goal fits with our personality and values and our personal ecological consideration.
When setting goals for yourself or your team, make sure that you take into account the systemic effects of achieving the goal and consider the consequences of achieving the goal in all areas of life. The successful goal is one which is positively formulated, meets the criteria of the SMART model, and relies mainly on activities we can call and manage.
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