Job Interview Tips
Job Hunting is a part of life and Job interviews are what most people never get used to. No matter what level of education, or how low or high a position a person is applying for there is always the interview. If you have a job interview soon and you are stressed, the first thing you should do is not to think about the aftermath. Focus on the interview and on what you need to know to take the job. Here are some simple Job Interview Tips and straightforward advice for an applicant answering job interview questions.
What a lot of people don’t know is there is a knack for answering job interview questions. And how they answer these questions could make or break the interview. A great first impression is what will sit well with a potential employer, and just how well an interview goes is a huge part of obtaining the job.
Basically, an interview is where you try to get the job. Moreover, given the limited amount of time an interview lasts, all you can do is appear. It`s impossible for the interviewers to learn who you really are in 60 minutes. On the other hand, you can appear like the one they are looking to hire.
Job Interview Tips
Good first Impression
The first thing that enters into play is your appearance as far as it shapes the interviewer`s first impression of you. Studies show that an unfavourable first impression is enough for a negative outcome. Wear clothes that fit you and the job you are applying for. Shoes play an important role in the way you look as well, it pays to invest in a good pair of shoes.
Portray a Strong Personality
With a positive first impression in his mind, the next question your employer will try to answer himself is whether you are technically fit for the job or not. At the same time, he will attempt to learn as much as possible about your personality through your gestures. At this point, you are called to appear qualified and act in such a way as to portray a strong personality. Your personality counts, sometimes it counts even more than what you appear to know. Self-confidence is an important aspect of your character.
Appear Confident
In addition, to appear self-confident shake hands firmly at the beginning and keep eye contact with the employer from the beginning till the end of the interview. Pay attention to your posture as bad posture makes you appear as lacking self-confidence. The vocabulary you use to answer the questions counts as well. When phrasing your answers try to keep it simple, use elaborate language only when it confers particularly well what you mean. Excessive use of academic terms makes your answers not easy to understand. Incomprehensible is the last thing you want to be in a job interview. Additionally, you must avoid at all costs behaviours that portray at any rate a lack of interest for the job. Such behaviours are arriving late at the interview or short answers like “ok” or “so so” which show carelessness.
Good Company Research
As for proving that you got the right technical knowledge to get the job it is strongly recommended that you read something about the company beforehand. With a clear company profile in your mind, you can pick up those achievements and experiences of yours that do fit well particularly in the profile. It will make you sound perfect. It is also important to let the interviewer know that you are willing to learn.
Never badmouth past employer
Another great tip for an applicant hoping to get the job, is to never bad mouth their past employer. They must learn to creatively express that the job wasn’t a great fit for their personality or skills. There is an art to this method of speaking. Being able to frame a negative into a positive especially in an interview is a skill that most applicants should practice before they get ready to start answering job interview questions. Most of the time an interviewer will craft questions specifically worded to hear if there was a negative personality trait or, that the applicant was not the greatest employee. The job of the applicant is to see these questions coming a mile ahead and be ready for them.
Be Honest
Most people when applying for a job, know that the general rule of thumb is to answer everything honestly. If a person lies during an interview and is found out later, they could be terminated even after they got the offer and started working. Even if they feel their answer may hurt the interview process it is important to always tell the truth, honesty is key when answering job interview questions. Some future employers have a specific set of questions designed to make the interviewee think hard, and carefully. The potential employer wants to gage not only the personality of an applicant, but what skills he or she will bring to the company. Are they a people pleaser? A natural-born leader? Creative thinker? An applicant should always let their personality shine through. This will never hurt in answering job interview questions.
Sell Yourself
The last and final tip to answering job interview questions is for the applicant to sell themselves without overly selling themselves. The applicant should be relaxed, well-groomed, punctual and have great references, but also charm the interviewer. They should not come across as overly eager to please, however highlighting all of their finer points with their “flaws” being minor finer points is a great key to winning over an interview. An applicant should never let their flaw be a true flaw, but rather be a great skill disguised as a flaw. For example, an applicant when asked what their weaknesses are should state something along the lines of always being over cautious to not arrive late to work, working long hours to complete jobs. These are the types of things an employer loves to hear and an applicant will come out shining in the end.
At the end of the interview, you might ask a few questions about details. Before leaving don’t forget to say “thank you” and shake hands firmly with the interviewer. Hope the above Job Interview Tips will help you be more confident next time when you are called for an interview.
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