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Store Manager – Job Description

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Store Manager – Job Description

Store Manager – Job Description


Let’s start with a simple definition: The store manager is the manager of a point of sale, one of the high-level professional profiles of retail (other designation retail manager). The store manager manages all aspects related to the operations of the store. He is the reference point for all workers at the point of sale, and he reports to the general manager or the sector manager. In this article, we will know more about the Store Manager – Job Description and responsibilities.


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But in practical terms, what does the store manager do?


He is primarily responsible for economic management, staff organization and supervision of all point-of-sale activities.

One of the most important functions of the store manager is precisely the economic management of the point of sale. Each store has sales objectives to achieve and business objectives that the company’s central management asks the store manager to achieve.

The store manager is responsible for achieving the sales and sales objectives indicated to him. To this end, he collects sales data and performs scrupulous analysis and documentation of all indicators (KPI – Key Performance Indicators) that track the evolution and progress of the store’s activities.

This allows the store manager to evaluate the performance of the sales team and each of the vendors, and to identify the best strategies to implement to maximize sales, such as promotions and special offers, advertising campaigns, or discounts and bonuses for employees based on the number of sales.


Store Manager – Job Description

Store Manager – Job Description


The store manager is the head of the staff who works at the point of sale and one of his duties is to ensure that the store has a sufficient number of employees to be fully operational.

The store manager therefore has different functions similar to those of a human resources manager:

He publishes job offers, researches and selects staff, manages shifts and leaves, motivates and supports the workers of his point of sale using all the instruments at his disposal.

The store manager also ensures that sales managers, department managers, salespeople, shopkeepers, counter managers and cashiers receive the proper training to perform their work, especially in relation to customer relations.

The level of customer service is crucial to the success of retailing: from hospitality in the store to claims management, from buying advice to the conclusion of the sale, customer support must always be excellent, and attract customers to come back and shop.


Store manager – key skills


The store manager is responsible for controlling the organization of the point of sale: he must always ensure that the products have the best possible exposure, that the store is clean and tidy, that it is always stocked with items for sale. It coordinates the store’s pricing policy, manages contact with suppliers, stays informed about merchandise inventories, verifies that returns of defective products are made according to established procedures. The store manager is required to ensure compliance with health, occupational health and safety standards and specific company regulations on the part of all staff.


What is the role of store manager?


A store manager (also known as stop manager) is someone who is responsible for the ins and outs of a store or a shop; from purchasing, selling and (increasing) sales figures to administration and maintaining customer satisfaction. A store manager can’t do this job alone, but he or she does this together with his or her team of salespeople to whom he or she directs.

A store manager is sometimes called branch manager, although that term also occurs in the hospitality industry.

A store manager runs a store. This can be a clothing store, but also a cosmetics, electronics or tattoo shop. The store manager ensures that the store is running properly and directs staff in the store for this purpose. He or she takes care of maintaining turnover figures, budgets and inventories and coordinates the deployment of employees. Outwardly (towards customers and suppliers) the store manager himself is often the face of the store.


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In the store, he works with his team of salespeople. Sometimes he is supported by an assistant shop manager. If there is a franchise, then he will also switch with colleagues from head office. For example, with an operations manager or directly with a commercial director.

Store managers usually end up in the position from their experience. As a sales assistant, after a period of time in the store, you can grow into an assistant shop manager and then become a full-fledged shop manager. During your career, you will build up more and more leadership and coaching skills.


What competencies do you need as a store manager?


To become a store manager, your attitude and character are often more important than your education. If you have these qualities and skills in-house, you as a store manager are good:


  • You have a commercial attitude and love to sell things and also know how to do this best.
  • You know what taking responsibility is and you can easily make decisions independently.
  • You can motivate and coach other people well.
  • You are welcoming and like to help others.
  • You work in a structured way, are organized and good at maintaining an overview.


In some cases, the store manager may take care of opening and closing the outlet, or checking the daily accounts. In the event of accidents or unforeseen situations, such as a complaint from a disgruntled customer or a delay in delivery, as a point-of-sale manager he is obliged to intervene quickly and effectively in order to resolve the problem.

Every point of sale in the retail sector needs a store manager: stores and chains from all commercial sectors – clothing, footwear, food, sporting goods, cosmetics, electronics, furniture, optics, telephony, appliances. Also in department stores, retail stores and supermarkets (in this case we speak of supermarket manager).

If it is part of a chain or franchise, the store manager is obliged to comply with guidelines imposed by the reference company: for example, he must respect the image and the elements that identify the brand, so that the point of sale is immediately recognized, or guarantee service standards to specific customers. As part of these guidelines, the store manager can act freely, using his ability to develop the store to the best of his ability, as he has a great deal of autonomy.


Store Manager – Job Description


A store manager’s hours of work are restrictive: they normally follow the opening hours of the point of sale and may include weekends and holidays.

Travel is rare, and the store manager is usually asked to leave the point of sale only to participate in meetings with management, or for specific occasions such as training and professional update.


Other names for this profession: Department Manager, Point Sales Manager, Shop Manager

Similar jobs: Assistant Store Manager, Food Store Manager, Supermarket Manager, Retail Manager


Store manager – tasks and responsibilities


The duties of a store manager are:

  • Monitor store sales
  • Manage the point of sale at the economic and organisational level
  • Select and train store staff 
  • Produce periodic reports on store performance indicators
  • Manage the stock and ensure the reassortment of the point of sale
  • Stimulating and motivating sales staff with appropriate policies
  • Ensure the store is always tidy and efficient

If the point of sale is part of a chain or if it is a single-brand store, the store manager must manage the activity in accordance with the concept defined by the reference mark (image, policy, founding principles, level of service).


How do I become a store manager? Training and qualifications required


Store Manager Training


The skills required to become a store manager are many, and they touch on different areas: the job of a point-of-sale manager is complex, and it requires knowledge in sales, marketing, accounting, human resources, and business organization.

It is, of course, essential to know in depth the retail sector in which the store operates, as well as the characteristics that distinguish the company from the competition.

This is why the role of the store manager is often the culmination of a career started in the same outlet or chain.

There are also training courses for store managers, often organized by retail chains or organizations, for candidates who wish to pursue a career in store management: students often receive theoretical lessons, in terms of management, followed by a practical phase of field training.


Store manager’s skills


The characteristics of a good store manager are:


  • Leadership capabilities
  • Organizational and management capabilities
  • Decision-making capabilities
  • Sales skills
  • Focus on the result
  • Communication skills and human relations
  • Dynamism and entrepreneurship
  • Stress resistance


Opportunities and career of a store manager


Career Development – Store Manager


The path to the position of store manager often begins by accumulating experience in the retail sector, as a sales assistant and then as a store manager or department manager.produ

There may also be intermediate positions, such as the vice-point-of-sale manager or the apprentice store manager.

The career of store manager also offers different development prospects.

For a store manager, the promotion may involve the transition to managing a larger outlet, or a new store. This often implies the need to relocate for professional reasons, since it is rare to have a large number of outlets of the same brand in a single city or region.

The store manager can also become a sector manager and be responsible for the management of all stores in a sector (regional, national, even international).


The main attractions of the job of store manager


The role of a store manager is binding, but it offers many rewards. He has great responsibilities, and the decisions made are decisive for the economic results of the point of sale.

Thanks to his capabilities, the store manager has the opportunity to influence the success of the store. And this is reflected in his remuneration, which is high-level.

Activities can be frenetic, but they are anything but monotonous – from economic management to organizational control to staff coordination – and they perfectly match the soft skills typical of this professional: leadership, organization and communication skills.

Some chains work with targets and bonuses; if you reach a certain turnover, you as a store manager or shop manager will receive an additional amount on top of your salary.




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