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Store Manager – Job Description

Store Manager – Job Description

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Store Manager – Job Description

Store Manager – Job Description


Let’s start with a simple definition: The store manager is the manager of a point of sale, one of the high-level professional profiles of retail (other designation retail manager). The store manager manages all aspects related to the operations of the store. He is the reference point for all workers at the point of sale, and he reports to the general manager or the sector manager. In this article, we will know more about the Store Manager – Job Description and responsibilities.


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But in practical terms, what does the store manager do?


He is primarily responsible for economic management, staff organization and supervision of all point-of-sale activities.

One of the most important functions of the store manager is precisely the economic management of the point of sale. Each store has sales objectives to achieve and business objectives that the company’s central management asks the store manager to achieve.

The store manager is responsible for achieving the sales and sales objectives indicated to him. To this end, he collects sales data and performs scrupulous analysis and documentation of all indicators (KPI – Key Performance Indicators) that track the evolution and progress of the store’s activities.

This allows the store manager to evaluate the performance of the sales team and each of the vendors, and to identify the best strategies to implement to maximize sales, such as promotions and special offers, advertising campaigns, or discounts and bonuses for employees based on the number of sales.


Store Manager – Job Description

Store Manager – Job Description


The store manager is the head of the staff who works at the point of sale and one of his duties is to ensure that the store has a sufficient number of employees to be fully operational.

The store manager therefore has different functions similar to those of a human resources manager:

He publishes job offers, researches and selects staff, manages shifts and leaves, motivates and supports the workers of his point of sale using all the instruments at his disposal.

The store manager also ensures that sales managers, department managers, salespeople, shopkeepers, counter managers and cashiers receive the proper training to perform their work, especially in relation to customer relations.

The level of customer service is crucial to the success of retailing: from hospitality in the store to claims management, from buying advice to the conclusion of the sale, customer support must always be excellent, and attract customers to come back and shop.

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