How Technology Has Reshaped the Modern Workplace
The move to a learning organization is closely related to the current shift to a technology-driven workplace. Organizations today cannot be managed and controlled in the same way as they were more than 30 years ago, or even 20 years ago. The principles by which Frederick Taylor and others initiated scientific management are of little value in today’s organizations and societies. Our lives as well as today’s organizations are deeply inundated by information technology. Ideas, information, and relationships are becoming more important than clearly designed production equipment, products or jobs. Read ahead to learn more about how technology has reshaped the modern workplace.
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Many workers now do their jobs on computers, can work with a virtual team, network with their colleagues around the world. Even in factories that make tangible products, machines are programmed to do the job, and workers are free to use their intellect and abilities in their other work. Managers and workers in today’s companies are more focused on opportunities than on efficiency, which requires them to be flexible, creative, and not bound by rigid rules and mandates. designed in great detail.
Moreover, the fact that workers can connect with each other online makes today’s organizations not able to escape the internet. The booming e-business world is causing more and more businesses to enter the digital world on computers rather than a physical space. E-business requires that work within the organization be carried out using an electronic connection (including the Internet) with consumers, partners, suppliers, employees or other stakeholders. .

New electronic technologies also make organizations self-managable. Technology provides a supportive framework for organizations to restructure the workplace. For example, one approach to information management is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which unifies all of a company’s major business functions, such as order processing, product design, procurement, inventory, processing, distribution, human resources, receiving payments and forecasting future demand.
Because ERP integrates all of a company’s systems, managers anywhere in the organization can see an overall picture of the organization and act quickly on the information they receive. Updated regularly every minute. ERP creates a new approach to governance – a broad corporate governance system in which everyone, from the CEO down to the factory equipment operator, has the same visibility of information and essential news. Therefore, ERP also supports management efforts to leverage organizational knowledge.
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is a narrow term used to refer to business exchanges or transactions that occur on the Internet. Electronic commerce replaces or enhances the ability to exchange goods and currencies along with the exchange of information and data from one computer to another. There are three types of e-commerce: commerce—business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer. Today, most e-commerce occurs on the Internet. Companies like Amazon.com, Expedia.com are examples of business-to-consumer e-commerce (B2C), because they sell products and services to consumers over the Internet.

The fastest growing e-commerce sector is business-to-business e-commerce (B2B), which represents electronic transactions between organizations. Many companies organize B2B through their own electronic data interchange (EDI) systems.
More and more companies are using Web-based technology because the Internet system is easier to use than EDI and easier to handle with a larger number of vendors and resellers. Some companies that have adopted e-commerce at a very high level have achieved amazing results. Dell is a pioneer in using a digital supply chain system from order to delivery to maintain customer relationships, place orders, purchase accessories from suppliers, coordinate with partners. other manufacturers and ship the product directly to the consumer.
The third area of e-commerce is consumer-to-consumer (C2C), which also creates the possibility of doing business on the Internet by acting as an intermediary between consumers. One of the most famous examples of this form of e-commerce is online auctions at the eBay or QXL Web sites. Internet auctions have created a vast marketplace where consumers can buy or sell directly with others.
With the rapid rise of the digital world, many organizations and workers deal with almost all intangibles such as ideas and information. Companies such as Microsoft or Ipswitch have developed software and Internet applications that depend on the minds of their employees. In companies where the power of an idea determines success, the first goal of managers is to instill creativity and knowledge in each employee.
It is only in recent years that managers have truly recognized knowledge as an important resource of an organization. managed, even for the management of cash flows or raw materials. Knowledge management refers to efforts to systematically find, organize, and create an organization’s existing knowledge capital and to foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing. to the extent that all activities of a company are built on that knowledge readily available.
Information technology plays an important role by storing and disseminating data and information throughout an organization, but information technology is only one part of a broader governance system.
Digital transformation affects every organization, big or small. The waves of technological change are frequent and accelerating, requiring constant adaptation from companies and their employees. Artificial intelligence, automation and digital tools are shaking up traditional organizational structure and ways of working.
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