So what is Digital Marketing? – Digital Marketing is a promotion of products/services through various forms of electronic communication, primarily based on the Internet environment. It emphasizes 3 factors: using digital media, reaching customers in a digital environment, and interacting with customers.

Different from traditional marketing, it involves the use of channels and organizations that can analyse real-time marketing campaigns and make the necessary adjustments.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is an activity that promotes products/services that have clear, measurable, highly interactive objectives that use digital technology to reach and keep customers in the market. In addition, its goal is to increase brand identity, build trust and increase sale. The most distinctive feature of digital marketing compared to traditional marketing is the use of digital tools (typically the Internet) as an indispensable core tool and it can be measurable.
Digital Marketing Services, in a broad sense, include ads delivered to the audience through the following channels: Apps for mobile phones, emails, media, websites, and search engines. It is the right solution for every industry and business owner that can see results much faster than traditional marketing. Thanks to Digital Marketing, businesses can develop their customer base for a short period of time.
The most common types of digital marketing are:
Social Media Marketing
Social networks are at the top of the study of brands, before customers cooperate with an organization they often learn about information about the organization through social networks. We are deeply aware that social media grows very far, on both selfie or puppy videos.
Already old then the days where the work of these digital marketers simply post to Facebook and Twitter accounts. Social media marketing now has to include highlighting social elements on every aspect of marketing and creating more shares. Since 47% of Internet users are present on Facebook, it has made it a great platform to attract potential customers with sophisticated digital marketing services.
Whether the content is shared more depends on how well your audience interacts with your content. Because social media works when audiences have shared your content, they will often impact their friends as our customers.
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Content Marketing
If the content of marketing is king, the delivery of that content is the Queen, which is essential in the content marketing strategy because you have to create quality content and distribute it on the site accordingly. Building content helps you gain more attention on social media. It gives you something worthwhile to provide consumers with search engine and email ads, not to mention the essential elements associated with search engines, in particular.
It is important to create content that’s relevant to your customers. Such content must inspire and bring full important information to attract the interest of users. Turn your content into a useful source of information that makes it possible for people to learn something else or you will lose the reader.
Electronic marketing messages
E-mail Marketing is very popular and often used to generate traffic, interactions, branding, retention, collecting, reactivation and getting referrals. We use email marketing to grow, although some people may argue and say that it is used to make a profit.
In general, to succeed with email marketing, the campaign needs to provide useful, entertaining, relevant information and engaging viewers.
Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation, chances are you’ve heard about this keyword. It is a software that automatically arranges and performs marketing activities (for example, emailing, publishing blogs/social media content, etc.) without any manual manipulation.
You can also optimise your marketing automation to optimise your landing pages and increase traffic, and help you to sort down your website’s data and communicate directly to sales teams that save time for your business. In summary, marketing automation software is often described as “customer relationship management and marketing software 360 degrees”
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Paid search
Paid search, also known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads are charged ads per customer Click, as “sponsored results” are usually seen on the top or next to the search results page. The payment for your ads is only made when your ad is clicked. PPC is one of the digital marketing services that can actually target specific audiences, as these ads can automatically adjust to appear every time a particular search period is entered.
PPC ads are effective for many different types of organizations. They can be seen easily, flexibly, and most importantly they are contextual-based ads (due to the fact that they appear mainly when the audience is searching for that keyword or phrase.)
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential job to improve a successful presence on the Internet. Basically, the site appears as early and frequently in the search results page list, the number of hits received from users is also more from the search engine. Here are some statistical data you might consider:
71% of the search shown on the first page does not have to pay ads to Google
67% of all clicks are from 5 sites first lined up on the search engine.
Mobile Marketing
Another remarkable word that marketers need to be aware of is marketing through mobile devices.
A mobile device is an integral part of consumer life, the device is kept on your hand all day and always on the table or bedside all night. As a marketing specialist who provides services, it is important to realize that marketing on mobile devices is not only effective but also of various shades.
The range of marketing on mobile devices is very varied including SMS (regular messages), MMS (multimedia messages) and marketing in apps. It’s important that you need to determine the best method for your business. You cannot ignore marketing on mobile devices, it should be coordinated so as to be consistent with other marketing methods you are using on all digital channels.
Using the tools of Digital Marketing, the Marketing Manager can analyze a lot of information about the competitor of the business. It helps you to take advantage of every possible opportunity in a short time.